Friday, April 26, 2024

April 2024 - Arkansas - Stop 10 Part 4

From Hot Springs, we drove to Crater of Diamonds State Park (only about a 1 hour drive) for our first night of camping in the van and to search for diamonds!  We were excited to do the diamond search, but after a full day of searching, digging, sifting, and getting muddy, we found a few rocks and no diamonds.  It turns our there are 37 acres in the old volcano crater and most of the diamonds that are found are very small, like the size of a matchstick head.  The chances of finding a diamond are very small, but you do get to keep anything that you find.  Overall, it was a fun experience, but my preference would be to hike in National parks for a day.  Here are some pictures from our adventure.

This is the field where you dig for diamonds

And the water trough where you can sift with a set of box screens 

There is a nice visitor center with lots of information

Our first night camping in the van was in the adjacent campground in the state park.  It was fun and we slept pretty well after a nice dinner.

The next morning we went on a short at the state park before heading out.

After leaving the state park, we decided to stop in Hope, AR to see the boyhood home of Bill Clinton (it was right on the way).  

After leaving Hope, someone fell asleep, probably from not sleeping enough in the campground!

Our next stop is Texas, where we will be in 3 major cities and 2 National Parks.  Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. Bummer that you didn't find any diamonds. I guess it does require some long hours and dedication in the hot dirty conditions. Yeah, I don't blame you for preferring a hike. Great pics, thank you!
